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Open Mic at the Golden Fleece
I run an open mic night every monday at The Golden Fleece, Nottingham.
Open Mic at The Golden Fleece is firmly established as a popular and successful mainstay of Nottingham’s music scene, providing an outlet for musicians and performers to show off their skills in a friendly city centre venue. PA and sound engineer are provided, a house guitar is also available to use, and each act gets to perform three songs with “Featured Artists” performing a half hour set at the end of the night. Each night provides an eclectic mix of styles, from established signed artists to newcomers making their first public performance on stage. Artists who have played at these nights include Baz Warne (of The Stranglers), Nic Armstrong (IV Thieves), Grain, Deep Sound Channel, Jezz Hall, David Blazye, Beck Goldsmith, The Starrlings, Seretone, Mint Ive, Andy Whittle, James Chadwick, The Foncheros and many, many more. Bruce Myers.
Open Mic at The Golden Fleece, Mansfield Road, Nottingham Every Monday from 8.30pm
Each performer gets 3 songs (or 15mins max), except Featured Artists who perform a half-hour set.
PA and sound engineer provided.
Starts 8.O0pm.
Performers should arrive early to secure a slot.
Open Mic at The Golden Fleece
Featured artists All acts on stage 10.30pm, following open mic performers.